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A guide to cold pitching as a freelancer

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You don’t have the luxury of a fixed monthly wage as a freelancer. You only get paid for the hours you work. Finding adequate employment and keeping a consistent income is a significant problem for most freelancers.

To have the best chance of consistent revenue, you should regularly promote your services and sign-up new clients. Cold pitching clients you want to collaborate with is one of the finest methods to do this as freelancer.

To boost your chances of acquiring your dream customer, follow these steps to build the ideal cold pitch.

  1. Pitch to the right people.

Having a clear understanding of your niche or ideal customer is critical to your success in marketing your freelancing business. Mostly, your prospect is a corporation rather than a person. Submitting your pitch to their customer service email address, there is a high chance that it will never be viewed or responded to.

Pitch to the most relevant individual in the firm, such as a senior manager, department head, or recruiting manager, to increase your chances of sticking out in a crowded inbox. You can find more about the positions in the company using Google or LinkedIn.

2. Do your research

Take the time to thoroughly research a potential customer before contacting them. Can you discover anything about their hobbies or valuable business information by perusing their websites and social media accounts?

For example: if you found out that your contact is interested in dogs, using a subject line like ‘’A mutual love for dogs and content marketing’’ will compel them to open or pay attention to your email. You will be able to reach out with a much more personal touch.

3. Speak to their needs.

This extends beyond addressing the individual by name. Identify his or her wants and priorities, and then propose a one-of-a-kind solution that demonstrates you’ve investigated and grasped the person’s goals. For example, if you are a social media manager, you can take a look at their social media pages and address a few issues on also how you can help.

4. Utilize social proof to establish credibility.

Cold pitches look doubtful. The prospect has no idea who you are, and you’re emailing them out of the blue asking them to hire you and give you money. Take care of these concerns by demonstrating that you are legitimate, your work is of high quality, and other serious people trust you.

You may build social proof by posting links to some of your greatest work, as well as evidence of industry influencers or old previous clients who have endorsed you. If you are a beginner sharing your social me profiles is fine.

5. Follow up.

Persistence is another crucial factor to consider when cold pitching a dream customer. If your initial email didn’t impress them or fell through the cracks when they were clearing out their inbox, always follow up. In general, I believe it is courteous to wait at least 7 days before following up.

Consistent pitching is one of the quickest ways to achieve success and independence as a freelancer. We strongly advise you to explore this strategy if you want to expand your freelancing business.

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